As a Brand Designer, Art Director, and Illustrator, I continually strive to develop visual solutions that express creative and marketing into a cohesive effort.


NOTSO AMAZON Softball T-Shirt Designs

  LOGO DESIGN Notso Amazon Softball League     The Project   Notso Amazon is a Softball league in Toronto for queer folk from all walks of life. Every season, teams of randomly selected members choose new team names. These names would then be transla

Notso Amazon Softball League

The Project
Notso Amazon is a Softball league in Toronto for queer folk from all walks of life. Every season, teams of randomly selected members choose new team names. These names would then be translated into logos and printed on team shirts. As a proud Notso Amazon Softball league member, I enthusiastically volunteered my design skills to bring these fun and challenging names to life!

The Challenge
The logos needed to function as a one-colour graphic for screen printing while also being identifiable at a distance.

The Solution
I created 12 team logos over three summers. Most team names are puns or references, and I wanted to find fun and clever ways to incorporate type and graphics. Sometimes I had notes from the teams telling me what they were looking for, but I had free reign for others. It was a unique and fun experience in both logo design and softball!
